Friday, 25 November 2011

Frugal Friday - When To Splurge

I do not use cloth diapers for my little ones - with two under two, I have enough chaos and more than enough laundry to last me two lifetimes, thank you very much! That said, discovering that cloth was not the path we would take wasn't an easy process for us, and neither was finding the best disposable diapers to fit our needs.

We have tried multiple brands of disposables in the past 10 months. When my daughter turned one and we no longer had the income from my maternity leave benefits, we had to start cinching the purse strings in every aspect of our lives. Naturally, diapers were the first area that we explored in the savings department, because they are one of the largest household expenses for our family each month.

What did we discover?

Every family that we know uses either cloth, Pampers, or Huggies for their little ones. Pampers and Huggies cost roughly the same, and one brand or the other will definitely be on sale at one big box store each week. For us, Pampers are a dream: they hardly ever leak, they're baby soft, and they fit great. If we can't find Pampers on sale we opt for the Huggies, though they don't work as well for us. We have found that they don't fit as snug for our babies, and we have multiple leaks when we use them. That said, we've had more luck with Huggies than we have had with the other less popular name brand diapers out there, and after speaking with our friends, some swear by Huggies the same way we swear by Pampers.

However, all of the less popular brand name diapers that drug stores and big box stores carry have a much more pleasing price tag, but they come at a price. They either cause terrible diaper rash, or they leak. EVERY TIME. For that reason, I always make sure that our budget will allow for us to splurge on Pampers. Sometimes it makes more sense to splurge than to save, though not often...and in my opinion, this is one of those rare occasions.

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